Ah yes, the return of the willow tree.
A teeny tiny note, but I wanted to let everyone know that at the end of chapters there will be a series of annotations, or, if you prefer, an index of terms and mentioned facts that the characters are well aware of but you, as the reader, are not. I'm not intending to explain the chapters at all, I just prefer the writing styles of Terry Pratchett and J.K. Rowling, where characters don't explain information that they obviously would already know. So look forward to the fable at the end of the chapter!!! These will generally take up one to two updates and are there so that I can prepare the next chapters' script and thumbnails. They will have art, of course!
I'm only mentioning this now as I prepare to finish off this chapter in the buffer, I have about 4 pages left to tie everything up (not 4 pages until the end of chapter one from here, I'm on page 28 right now), and wanted to see if anyone had burning questions they wanted answered. I don't reply to theories, for the most part? I think everyone is more than welcome to theorize as they see fit, and no answer is wrong until there's a page put up that contradicts a theory. Questions that relate to future plots or questions about what's going on when I haven't yet explaining it in the comic also go, for the most part, unanswered. I do read EVERY comment and I loveeeee seeing everyone get riled up it's super cute!!! I just want to make sure everyone knows that I read them and appreciate them and want to see many more because they brighten my day! Getting feedback on this work that I've had in my head for six years is absolutely fantastic-- I just don't want to answer a question and have that answer be taken and thrown around in the future, because a lot of people won't see the comments/replies as time goes on!
tl;dr I love all of you and hope you're enjoying this!!!