Welcome to the new (tho still a WIP!) website! It's super duper cuteeeeeeeeeeeee which is what I was going for in the first place but didn't really know how to achieve. Now, several months in to the comic, and a few months in to having to do UI stuff at my job, it was a little easier for me to do some "graphic design"-- I've never considered myself very good at it, but it's getting better. Hooray!
So what this will allow me to do is to collate more artwork and post it on here for you guys, as well as a working archive one of these days, yessss. Not to mention a place for the annotations at the end of the chapter, and information on the scads of characters we have not yet met! Do remember that this is sort of a prologue still but since it's story related and it goes right in to the start of the real story I didn't want to call it a prologue! I can't wait for us to get to chapter two and we start getting to the meat of the story!!! (also all of the cute ladies and gents that I've been hiding from everyone /coughthey'reonmytumblrcoughnotreallyhardtofindcough
There's no real spoilers to be had anymore so it's safe! I promise!
Please forgive my lack of skill drawing unicrons, I tried really super hard 3:
Oh, and you'll probably notice that my "font" has changed-- I've been informed that how I was doing it would cause like ALL THE PROBLEMS when I decided to print it :C